Posts Tagged ‘murder’

When Your Government Calls Someone A Terrorist, Start Searching For The Truth Yourself.

Ever wondered, why did US fake 9/11 to attack a poor country like Afghanistan? US soldiers rape, kill & burn women in Afghanistan, so can the reason be women rights? Is it for the resources or oil? How can it be for money when they have already spent trillions of dollars on this war & are still spending & now, even if they were to take every last drop of oil, they are not going to make their money back? So, what can be the reason?

We will have to understand, “what does US actually want” in order to know the answers of the above questions. And we all know that they want to rule the world, they want New World Order, according to which every single human will be their slave. But there is only one thing that is not letting them do so, let’s examine what that is?

In this article, I have highlighted the situation of Afghanistan before 9/11 & after 9/11.

The people who think that the Taliban are murderers and criminals, well you are wrong. As the media portrays that Taliban are the most savage barbaric & uncivilized people on earth but in reality those uncivilized people asked the so called most civilized people “US” to give them a proof that Bin Laden was involved in 9/11 & they will hand him over & there will be no war, but US could not provide a single evidence, simply because it was a false flag & instead, bombed & invaded the whole country. And shockingly, the US special forces did not get in the area where Bin Laden was for two months. A mass murderer who attacked the US was given two month head start? Does this make sense? Do you think that they spoke the truth, when they said that we have attacked Afghanistan because of our security? Know the truth, please watch.

The Situation In Afghanistan Was Much Better Under The Taliban.

Afghan Taliban were far better than the current government and here is why;

“Many rural Afghans have come to trust the Taliban’s extensive judicial network over government courts to “solve disputes in a fair war, without tribal or ethnic bias, or more commonly, without having to pay bribes”. “Ordinary people turned to Taliban courts in search of justice less corrupt than the system imposed by outsiders.” says Graeme Smith, a Kabul- based senior analyst at the International Crisis Group.

Mullah Muhammad Umar Said:

Muhammad Omar

Sounds like a terrorist?

Crime Rates.

The crime rates were very very low which Afghans did not have for more than 20 years. Before 1996 the Afghans never expected to live a life with really low crime rates, they only dreamed to have a life like that. Even the Northern alliance was brutal group that raped women and murdered anyone they saw on the streets, they didn’t care who you were. They ruled Afghanistan from 1992-96 and they were 10 times worse than the Taliban. But still, the northern alliance are in the government now, because they supported the USA. This basically means that if you support the USA, you will be safe, even if you commit crimes. 

During the Taliban days it was so safe that you go out in the middle of the night and walk on the streets with a bag full of money and no one would dare to steal it. Even some people left their stores open and no one would steal anything. But, since the downfall of the Taliban, crime rate has significantly increased in the capital city Kabul. Armed robberies are regularly reported in the western districts of Kabul. Between March 2002 and January 2003, 48 cases of homicide, 80 cases of theft and 12 cases of kidnappings were reported within Kabul municipal boundaries.

In July, 2000 the Taliban banned the growing of opium and the production went down by 91%, the ban was so effective that Helmend province recorded no poppy cultivation during the 2001 season. Since the downfall of the Taliban in 2001, cultivation and trafficking of opium has increased significantly.

poppy field

Taliban also knew how to keep the drug problem under control and crack down on drug addicts in Afghanistan. Today 2-4% of the Afghan population are drug addicts.

Even the Afghan Hindus and Sikhs had a better life under the Taliban because they were not harrased by Muslims and their lands were not taken by anyone. A lot of Hindus and Sikhs say that, they feel more oppressed and isolated today than they did under the Taliban. Also, sometimes even their lands gets taken by powerful people. Today these non Muslims don’t even have a proper place for cremation!

After the fall of the Taliban, Afghanistan’s judicial system was fragmented, with conflicts between such core institutions as the Ministry of Justice, Supreme Court, and attorney general’s office. In addition, the judicial system’s infrastructure was destroyed; the absence of adequate court or ministry facilities, basic office furniture, and minimal supplies made substantive progress difficult.

Women Rights.

Taliban were never against women education! Please Watch. 

Women were not prone to rape like they do now. Today women or even girls as young as 10 years old get raped and their parents can’t do anything about it because these rapists have connections with the government. Even the so called Afghan National Army, consists of drug addicts, child abusers & thieves. These rapists & criminals don’t really get caught, and they repeat these acts more than once. (Please watch the documentary on YouTube “This Is What Winning Looks Like“). Under the Taliban at least people knew their limits, at least they knew not to rape females because there were severe consequences.

The U.S. and NATO forces wiped out villages in Afghanistan, these forces bomb innocent Afghans during weddings & people who die in these wedding are mostly children and women and their number of deaths sometimes tops 100.

In 2012, Afghanistan recorded 240 cases of honor killings and 160 cases of rape.

Violence Against Women in Afghanistan Peaked in 2013. Despite a 2009 law, violence against women is on the rise in Afghanistan, hitting record levels in 2013.

US Special Forces Accused of Raping Afghan Women During Raid. (

US forces raped two women in Kandahar carnage: Probe mission. (

Afghanistan’s Rape Crisis: Villagers Fear U.S.-Backed Militias – (

US soldiers tortured and raped Iraqi women (

American soldier rapes 14 year old girl, burns her body and kills her family. (

US forces rape women in northern Afghanistan village.  (

U.S. Admits Role in February Killing of Afghan Women (

After First Denying Involvement, US Forces Admit Killing Two Pregnant Afghan Women & Teenager. (

“WE ARE HERE TO PROMOTE DEMOCRACY & FREEDOM” – Isn’t this the reason they gave us for invading Muslim countries? But, please tell me, what did the Afghan women & children gain since the invasion other than being bombed by the troops and raped by the local warlords who don’t get arrested because of poor criminal laws or their connections with the government. The west has a problem with women covering their bodies, but what are they doing? Taking off the burqa & raping them.



Even a person with half brain can know that they don’t care about Afghan women & the concern they show on media is nothing but another lie.


Killing Innocent People.

Taliban did not kill innocent people like the NATO forces do. These forces still have innocent Afghans that have been jailed for the last 7 years without any reason and they torture them and make fun of them in their own countries. No wonder you would find that the Taliban operates around 80% Afghanistan because the Afghans are tired of these acts.

Life expectancy for both genders was higher under the Taliban.

Bagram Prison is a prison run by the U.S. in Afghanistan. It is similar to Guantanamo Bay, but this prison has innocent Afghans who have been jailed and tortured without a charge, it even has inmates who are under 18. All of this happens in Afghanistan and this is one of the reasons why NATO will not win this war because they jail and torture innocent Afghans in their homeland.

Unemployment Rate.

The unemployment rate under the Taliban was 8% and now its 40%.


If people say that at the time of Taliban there were no human rights, has something changed after the invasion? Yes, from Bad to Worse & is getting even worse day by day.  The sad thing about this war is most people in the West think that these Afghans have their freedoms but what happens in that country is the opposite of what we think, there are still no HUMAN RIGHTS in Afghanistan. Please watch.

Everything Takes Time.

Sayed Rahmatullah Hashimi a Taliban envoy said: “We are not 100% perfect & nobody is perfect, we do have shortcomings & we do need to emend our policies, but we cannot do everything overnight.”

And he was right because, Afghanistan was improving and becoming a better country under the Taliban and eventually things were going to change and improve, but the U.S. ruined the country.

The Taliban did not enforce the brand of Islam by gun, as it is shown in the media, the people welcomed them. If the Afghans would not have wanted, the Taliban wouldn’t have lasted that long. Today, if you go to Afghanistan and ask any random Afghans about who they prefer to have as a government then they would tell you that they prefer the Taliban over the current government. Today Afghanistan is in a better condition than before 1996, because of the Taliban, if it wasn’t for the Taliban, the situation in Afghanistan would be similar to Somalia or worse.

So, What Is That One Thing Which Is An Obstacle In Achieving Their Local Agenda of NWO? What Is That One Reason That They Attack Muslim Countries, One After The Other?

It can’t be women rights, freedom or security as we have seen, so what can it be?

Very few people are aware that before US attacked Afghanistan, Taliban implemented only a part of Sharia in areas that were under their rule & due to this, there was peace in the country. And in my view the only reason US attacked Afghanistan at that time was that, they did not want the world to know what Sharia Law is & how implementing only a part of this system can solve the problem of turmoil & injustice. It became a threat not to humans but the New World Order. US’s mission is only to kill people who want Islamic Law to be implemented in the Muslims countries not the terrorists, because whom they call the terrorists, Al Qaeda, in reality does not even exist. The Taliban that are fighting against the US are not terrorists, they are the true freedom fighters. They are protecting their people, lands. They are giving their lives just to end this oppression & injustice.

al qaeda

West has done everything possible to make people believe that Sharia is barbaric & against women. Through Internet, newspapers, TV, Radio, they have brainwashed people to an extent that when someone hears the word Sharia, they say ‘Barbaric’..!!! And unfortunately very few try to find out the truth behind all these lies.

Results Of The War.

After Obama sent 20,000-30,000 troops to Afghanistan, the Taliban got stronger than ever and now they operate on 80% of the country. Most Afghans are supporting the Taliban, there is only 25,000 Taliban and 105,000 NATO and they still can’t eliminate the Taliban. And now they are begging the Taliban to join the Afghan government. This clearly shows that U.S./NATO are losing this war and that most Afghans are against this occupation.

Afghanistan is not improving under this occupation in anyway, but sadly people think differently and there is no way Afghanistan would improve under this corrupted government. We need to get our facts straight about the Taliban and stop listening to CNN and BBC News because they’re biased.

If you actually want to know who the real murderers and corrupted officials are then you can find them in the current Afghan government. And US government supports these criminals, for an example Hamid Karzai’s brother Ahmed Wali Karzai made 90% from the Opium production in southern Afghanistan and he still got paid by the CIA.

In the last 30 years the Taliban was the best government the Afghans could ever have. They had some inappropriate rules and that’s true, but their positive impact outweighs the current government’s positive impacts and the current government’s negative impact outweighs the Taliban’s negative impacts.

The rules are simple they lie t


After looking at the stats & facts, anyone can come to a conclusion that, this occupation is not helping the Afghans in any way & Sharia Law is not a threat to humans, infact it is a blessing, but the greedy, selfish & bloodthirsty government & the media does not want people to know the reality, because once people come to realize this, it will become a problem for their New World Order. This is why they are bombarding us every minute with the lie, that Sharia is Barbaric when in reality, it is the only law that can solve the problems of today’s world. History is also a proof. Whenever Sharia law was implemented, the situation was very different. From the time of the Prophet, Muhammad (peace be upon Him) to the time of Ottomons, Islamic Law has proved itself & every other law has failed.

Michael Scheuer